Montag, 2. Juli 2007
European BugIn #1, 2007
richarzzz, 21:05h
"It was griping for us to be at this time on this place"
(Jens, Jo, Benni - Belgium, Chimay, 01.07.2007)

After a smooth ride on thursday evening with the richarzzz MANNSCHAFTSWAGEN, we droped down to chimay raceway @ 2.30 a.m.

lots of spectators and visitors has reached and the weather was fucking cold'n'cloudy.
friday, it was dump. cold and lot's of rain the hole day long. so all the thousands vdub guys are waiting for saturday, the forecast was just a little better - and it was right.
dragracing could start and go the rest of the weekend.
because there was no competition in dragracing, we decided to run just one run - in reason not to broke anything of the kwicki in the middle of the saison.

so we prept the car at saturday evening for our BugIn run vs. the oldstyle gasser "turle racer".

pic from groovemachine!
it was quite difficult to match the track which has absolutly no grip. the set up was the same as the street-eli-setup from bitburg and the car run a 12,25 @ 174 km/h with 1,698 60ft/t - and we are very happy to run consitant 12,2 passes on all tracks we start. so we could say, we are able to dial in the car and be competitive in the public race class, now.
we kick ass "turtle racer" straight from the line on his 13,5 sec. pass

the MANNSCHAFTSWAGEN is still for sale, now. It's dyno testet on about 120 horsepower and take about 14 ltr. on 100 km, full packet with racing stuff, trailer included. it runs cool on 90° oil and 120 km/h groundspeed.
just serious inquiries to
GoGoGo BugIn #2, 2008!!!
(Jens, Jo, Benni - Belgium, Chimay, 01.07.2007)

After a smooth ride on thursday evening with the richarzzz MANNSCHAFTSWAGEN, we droped down to chimay raceway @ 2.30 a.m.

lots of spectators and visitors has reached and the weather was fucking cold'n'cloudy.
friday, it was dump. cold and lot's of rain the hole day long. so all the thousands vdub guys are waiting for saturday, the forecast was just a little better - and it was right.
dragracing could start and go the rest of the weekend.
because there was no competition in dragracing, we decided to run just one run - in reason not to broke anything of the kwicki in the middle of the saison.

so we prept the car at saturday evening for our BugIn run vs. the oldstyle gasser "turle racer".

pic from groovemachine!
it was quite difficult to match the track which has absolutly no grip. the set up was the same as the street-eli-setup from bitburg and the car run a 12,25 @ 174 km/h with 1,698 60ft/t - and we are very happy to run consitant 12,2 passes on all tracks we start. so we could say, we are able to dial in the car and be competitive in the public race class, now.
we kick ass "turtle racer" straight from the line on his 13,5 sec. pass

the MANNSCHAFTSWAGEN is still for sale, now. It's dyno testet on about 120 horsepower and take about 14 ltr. on 100 km, full packet with racing stuff, trailer included. it runs cool on 90° oil and 120 km/h groundspeed.
just serious inquiries to
GoGoGo BugIn #2, 2008!!!
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